

don't ask about the fur. I was doing sarah around the world pics that night, this was for iceland
Thursday, November 29, 2007
effffffff a gain
ugh...I gained 0.6 lbs this wi. horible. this coupled with my shitastic 0.2 loss last week, and I really doing a bad job. I don't get it, I stayed op and worked out. So basically right now I just feel like i'm wasting my money and time and I have no desire to post my stats or change that horse counter thing at the bottom of the screen.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
6.3 lbs to normal
So I just realized that as per my bmi, I only have 6.3 lbs that I need to lose in order to be considered 'normal' as far as my weight goes. can't wait! My new goal is to reach that by Christmas.
Of course, I"m not entirely convinced that this is the best way to determine a healthy weight. Given my extreme pear shape i tend to go for the waist to hip ratio as a better determinate simply because that would put me in a healthy range. To be honest, I know that I am healthy: I work out a lot and I work out quite hard. I can do more push ups than any of my friends (who are like size 2-6) and I can run longer than most. Still, hitting a healthy bmi mark would be fantastic!
ok, so next goal is 10% (I think I have 1.4 lbs to go) and then healthy bmi!
best of luck to everyone else as well
Of course, I"m not entirely convinced that this is the best way to determine a healthy weight. Given my extreme pear shape i tend to go for the waist to hip ratio as a better determinate simply because that would put me in a healthy range. To be honest, I know that I am healthy: I work out a lot and I work out quite hard. I can do more push ups than any of my friends (who are like size 2-6) and I can run longer than most. Still, hitting a healthy bmi mark would be fantastic!
ok, so next goal is 10% (I think I have 1.4 lbs to go) and then healthy bmi!
best of luck to everyone else as well
Saturday, November 24, 2007
shoot - bad WI
Weighed into day. Not a good one so I really don't want to talk about it much. I really had hoped that I would hit 10%, but I didn't even come close. I only lost 0.2 lbs today which is my worst WI to date. I went out with friends last night and ate like an absolute pig. This is really discouraging because it makes me wonder how I will be able to be successful in weighed loss and still have a social life. Ugh, I can't imagine next week being any better because I'm writting the LSATs this week and I always gain weighed when I'm stressed out and I am extremely stressed out about this
Week 9 weigh in: 156.2 lbs
Weight loss to date: 15.6 lbs
best luck to all this week
Week 9 weigh in: 156.2 lbs
Weight loss to date: 15.6 lbs
best luck to all this week
Saturday, November 17, 2007
take that black pants!
So, i have this pair of black pants that (I hate to say it) kindof deterimines how I feel about my weight: if they fit, I"m happy; if they don't, I'm sad. anyways, when I started ww these pants did not come up over my thights. Needlesstosay that made me feel pretty gross. Well I tried these one last night and THEY FIT. yup, they did. True I did have some pretty bad muffin top but who cares about that right now because I actually was able to do them up and that's what counts. So I will formally like to offer a big eff you to my black pants because they can no longer make me feel bad about myself because they now fit. now I can just treat them as I would any other pair of pants: by wearing them.
Friday, November 16, 2007
WI today
so I weighed in today (a day early because I have to work during my normal meeting tomorrow). It was definitely a good one, down 2.6 lbs!!!!
Weigh in Week 8: 156.4 lbs
total lose thus far: 15.4 lbs
amount to go to get to 10%: 1.6 lbs
I'm really getting close to 10% so I'm getting pretty excited to hit that number
Weigh in Week 8: 156.4 lbs
total lose thus far: 15.4 lbs
amount to go to get to 10%: 1.6 lbs
I'm really getting close to 10% so I'm getting pretty excited to hit that number
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
ok 7 points I do miss you a little
for some reason not being allowed these 7 points is harder on me that I anticipated. When I went down from 24 to 23 it wasn't hard at all, but dropping down to 22 is turning out to be kindof tough. I only have about 8 flex points left for the rest of the week which I'm saving for going out with friends tomorrow. Still, I like that I am going down so I'm trying to focus on that while I fill up on vegges. Best of luck to all you other losers (meant in a positive of course) this week
take care
take care
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I will not miss you 7 points
WI today. It was definitely a gooder. I was down 2.2 lbs today which puts me at a grand total of 159 lbs. This means that I am in the new decade meaning I have one less point per day. Ok, the title is a slight lie: it will be tougher without that one point per day, but overall, I do have to say that I'm glad their gone!
Week 7 Weight In: 159 lbs
Loss to date: 12.8 lbs
From the look of it, I'm well on my way to my 10%. I only have 4.2 more lbs to go!
Week 7 Weight In: 159 lbs
Loss to date: 12.8 lbs
From the look of it, I'm well on my way to my 10%. I only have 4.2 more lbs to go!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
a list of websites I don't want to forget (Core chat board) (great site for recipes, restaurant points, this site is a MUST!) (same as above) (calorie, bmi calculators, etc) (1 point food list) (points for restaurants) (same as above) (points calculators) (recipes and their points) (alcohol points.) (great site for recipes, restaurant points, this site is a MUST!) (same as above) (calorie, bmi calculators, etc) (1 point food list) (points for restaurants) (same as above) (points calculators) (recipes and their points) (alcohol points.)
Great Idea by Me
Today I came up with this fantastic idea: for every pound I lose I am going to put aside 5 dollars that I will use to spend on clothes when I reach goal weight. This will be absolutely awesome, becuase I will be able to use that to buy like super expensive jeans that are super hot or like an adorable dress that would flatter me to the extreme. And this will be money that I will spend 100% guilt free. It will be awesome. Hopefully this will also motivate me to lose my weight in order to be able to buy my new awesome clothes
on a completely unconnected note, it sucks that I weigh in on saturday. I only have two flex points left for the rest of the week and I have plans to go out with friends tomorrow. My idea is that I'll work my ass off at the gym in order to gain a ton of aps and I will be conscious of eating a low point breakfast and lunch in order to be able to really enjoy my time with my friends.
on a completely unconnected note, it sucks that I weigh in on saturday. I only have two flex points left for the rest of the week and I have plans to go out with friends tomorrow. My idea is that I'll work my ass off at the gym in order to gain a ton of aps and I will be conscious of eating a low point breakfast and lunch in order to be able to really enjoy my time with my friends.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
hey! I got tagged!
So, Lauren - by new friend in blogosphere - recently tagged me. and so this is what I have to do...
The Rules:1-Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4- Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog
1. Lauren, I added you to my fav sites, now everyone who visits me can directly link to you
- I absolutely love baseball. I am a huge bluejays fan and it's been a long 15 years for me since their last playoff apperance.
- One of the things I'm known for around my school circles is my philosophy on the other. yes, this sounds odd, but it really is something people seem to associate me with.
- Every now and then I go through periods of being addicted to exercize. Fortunately, now is one of those times
- Most of my favourite shows are no longer on air: Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks and the UK Office
- One of my pet peeves is Canadians using American spelling.
- I have a slight obsession with used bookstores
- I refuse to wear pants that have no bootleg - pretty sure this is because I have massive thighs and I like to think that bootlegs even out these thighs
3. Ok, I can't really tag anyone yet because I'm not that familiar with anyone else's blogs yet, but I will work up to my seven
to start with, I tag victoria.
The Rules:1-Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4- Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog
1. Lauren, I added you to my fav sites, now everyone who visits me can directly link to you
- I absolutely love baseball. I am a huge bluejays fan and it's been a long 15 years for me since their last playoff apperance.
- One of the things I'm known for around my school circles is my philosophy on the other. yes, this sounds odd, but it really is something people seem to associate me with.
- Every now and then I go through periods of being addicted to exercize. Fortunately, now is one of those times
- Most of my favourite shows are no longer on air: Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks and the UK Office
- One of my pet peeves is Canadians using American spelling.
- I have a slight obsession with used bookstores
- I refuse to wear pants that have no bootleg - pretty sure this is because I have massive thighs and I like to think that bootlegs even out these thighs
3. Ok, I can't really tag anyone yet because I'm not that familiar with anyone else's blogs yet, but I will work up to my seven
to start with, I tag victoria.
feeling discouraged
I know that ww recomends a 0.2-2 lb lose per week. This is something that I certainly know, but have a very hard time ingraining my head. For instance the other week I was only down 1 lb - a perfectly respectable lose - but I felt all grumpy afterwards because I was super hoping that I would make it into the 150s. Last night I watched the Biggest Loser and was just getting so depressed about my own weight lose. After all, these people are putting up double digits in one week, something that has taken me 6 weeks to do. Oh well, I suppose I just have to keep reminding myself about that 0.2-2 lbs per week and stay on the wagon.
ps, Lauren, I got your comment and I would love to check out your blog: what's the url?
ps, Lauren, I got your comment and I would love to check out your blog: what's the url?
Saturday, November 3, 2007
My Platonic Ramblings on Weight-loss
So, interesting fact about me: I minored in philosophy in university.
For whatever reason, people devoted to this field to have this tendency to filter everything through the historical lineage of philosophy (it would have been even worse if I had been a major, rather than a minor). Anyways, starting from the beginning, with the father of western philosophy, I hereby give you some of my delightful - at least I like to think so - insights into the world of weight loss through the eyes of one of my favs: Plato.
Anyways, something quite pertinent to platonic philosophy is Plato's concept of the four essential virtues. For Plato, these virtues were prudence, fortitude, moderation, and - once all three had culminated - justice (the final virtue) could exist. Now, if one thinks about it, these virtues can also be applied to the realm of weight loss and good heath.
First of all, Prudence.
Pretty self explanatory, one does need to be able to think wisely about what foods are best. One also needs to understand the way in which their body works in order to know how to best feed it for weight loss. Basically, if we just eat without thinking, we don't gain weight (unless of course we suck - at least in my opinion), being healthy is all about making the right choices; choices that will only be made if the correct knowledge is in place, enabling one to separate the good choices from the bad.
next, Fortitude
Losing weight of course takes courage. Every week, walking into that meeting and stepping on that scale is a feet of bravery. Learning how to deal with peer presure and saying no to people handing you food is also something rather couragous. Finally, having fortitude to stick with something, no matter how difficult, is extremely essential to losing weight. Clearly, courage is necessary.
Oh moderation. This is the virtue that one cannot say enough about about regarding lossing weight. We all know how big a factor moderation plays: learning how to control portion size, eating one chip instead of 20, looking our younger brother's bag of halloween treats straight one and only stealing our very favouritest mini chocolate bar. And to be quite honest, this is what I love most about WW: moderation is allowed to reign supreme. Instead of being cut off entirely from one food group, being forced to depend solely on another (Atkins…) we have the luxury to select whatever from wherever, just so long as moderation dictates what, and how much, we choose. Personally, I would not last a minute if I had to give up lattes, but fortunately I don’t. Rather, instead of going with a grande white chocolate mocha with whip, a tall non fat vanilla latte suffices. As long as moderation is there, deprivation is alluded.
Finally, my friends, we reach Justice.
Sadly, this is where Plato gets it wrong regarding weight loss. I’m pretty sure we can all relate. We’ve all had those weeks where we feel we’ve done everything right – fully incorporating prudence, fortitude, and moderation – only to be mocked by the scale come weigh in time. Worst still, we all have those friends who can eat whatever they so please and still be too small to shop at the Gap. So, sadly, it appears that justice doesn’t always hold up in this example that I have attempted to establish. However, this doesn’t mean we need to be down. After all, often the correlation exists. Often, a perfect week will result in the perfect result. So I suppose that is just what we have to keep in mind: not those bad, frustrating weeks, but the good ones, wherein justice does seem to come in to play.
So, just remember: always let the head rule the belly through the chest. Use wisdom and courage to practice moderation, and hopefully the scale will demonstrate justice. (and ps, on those weeks when prudence, fortitude and moderation go out the window, well let’s just count on mercy)
sorry for the length, but let no one say I didn’t warn in advance.
For whatever reason, people devoted to this field to have this tendency to filter everything through the historical lineage of philosophy (it would have been even worse if I had been a major, rather than a minor). Anyways, starting from the beginning, with the father of western philosophy, I hereby give you some of my delightful - at least I like to think so - insights into the world of weight loss through the eyes of one of my favs: Plato.
Anyways, something quite pertinent to platonic philosophy is Plato's concept of the four essential virtues. For Plato, these virtues were prudence, fortitude, moderation, and - once all three had culminated - justice (the final virtue) could exist. Now, if one thinks about it, these virtues can also be applied to the realm of weight loss and good heath.
First of all, Prudence.
Pretty self explanatory, one does need to be able to think wisely about what foods are best. One also needs to understand the way in which their body works in order to know how to best feed it for weight loss. Basically, if we just eat without thinking, we don't gain weight (unless of course we suck - at least in my opinion), being healthy is all about making the right choices; choices that will only be made if the correct knowledge is in place, enabling one to separate the good choices from the bad.
next, Fortitude
Losing weight of course takes courage. Every week, walking into that meeting and stepping on that scale is a feet of bravery. Learning how to deal with peer presure and saying no to people handing you food is also something rather couragous. Finally, having fortitude to stick with something, no matter how difficult, is extremely essential to losing weight. Clearly, courage is necessary.
Oh moderation. This is the virtue that one cannot say enough about about regarding lossing weight. We all know how big a factor moderation plays: learning how to control portion size, eating one chip instead of 20, looking our younger brother's bag of halloween treats straight one and only stealing our very favouritest mini chocolate bar. And to be quite honest, this is what I love most about WW: moderation is allowed to reign supreme. Instead of being cut off entirely from one food group, being forced to depend solely on another (Atkins…) we have the luxury to select whatever from wherever, just so long as moderation dictates what, and how much, we choose. Personally, I would not last a minute if I had to give up lattes, but fortunately I don’t. Rather, instead of going with a grande white chocolate mocha with whip, a tall non fat vanilla latte suffices. As long as moderation is there, deprivation is alluded.
Finally, my friends, we reach Justice.
Sadly, this is where Plato gets it wrong regarding weight loss. I’m pretty sure we can all relate. We’ve all had those weeks where we feel we’ve done everything right – fully incorporating prudence, fortitude, and moderation – only to be mocked by the scale come weigh in time. Worst still, we all have those friends who can eat whatever they so please and still be too small to shop at the Gap. So, sadly, it appears that justice doesn’t always hold up in this example that I have attempted to establish. However, this doesn’t mean we need to be down. After all, often the correlation exists. Often, a perfect week will result in the perfect result. So I suppose that is just what we have to keep in mind: not those bad, frustrating weeks, but the good ones, wherein justice does seem to come in to play.
So, just remember: always let the head rule the belly through the chest. Use wisdom and courage to practice moderation, and hopefully the scale will demonstrate justice. (and ps, on those weeks when prudence, fortitude and moderation go out the window, well let’s just count on mercy)
sorry for the length, but let no one say I didn’t warn in advance.
wi update
So, I had another WI today. Not quite as awesome as I was hoping for, but at least I was down
Week Six Weigh-in: 161.2 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 10.6 Pounds.
I'm not going to lie, I was really gunning to be in the 150 range. But thankfully I did acheive my first 10 pounds, and I will still be able to eat that extra 7 points per week that I would have loss if I had fallen to the 150's.
oh well, not going to get discouraged. I'm just going to take this as motivation and keep on staying on plan and doing my best.
Week Six Weigh-in: 161.2 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 10.6 Pounds.
I'm not going to lie, I was really gunning to be in the 150 range. But thankfully I did acheive my first 10 pounds, and I will still be able to eat that extra 7 points per week that I would have loss if I had fallen to the 150's.
oh well, not going to get discouraged. I'm just going to take this as motivation and keep on staying on plan and doing my best.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
heros and zeros in Celebrity-land
Ok, I like liststhis is a list of my heros as far as weight goes from those people we all know - the celbrities (I might have spelt that wrong; my spelling is just pure aweful)
1. Kate Winslet
This is so obvious I don't really even need to mention her. She's just stunning in that type of average-but-unattainable body. The fact that I love her as well doesn't hurt either. Along with this entry, comes an honourable mention: Emma Thomson, just because she reportedly told kate that if she (kate) ever gained weight, she (emma) would never effing talk to her (kate) again.
2. Kelly Clarkson.
Ok, confession: I absolutely love kelly clarkson. Seriously, behind these hazel eyes...fantastic. Also, the since u've been gone video is just sweet. This is, I do have to add, a pretty intense confession for me to make, because my fanstaistic taste in music is something that I do pride myself for: but even so, I do love Kelly's brand of pop rock feminism. Anyway, to the weight thing, her body is so adorable. Honestly, as a fellow pear shaped girl, kelly is the model that i one day hope to achieve. Of course all those morons who criticize her and call her large have no place in my heart. I think Kelly looks if she could only learn to dress her body type....
3. Lilly Allen
I know, kind of an unorthodox choice. True, she's garnished some negative headlines for her alcohol-related choices, but I'm not going to lie, I would gladly use up 8-10 flex points in order to hang with lilly for the evening, drinking wine and then trying on some of her fabulous sundresses since I"m sure she'd be more than happy to give me several of the ones which better suit my bust line. Plus, she's confessed to being frustrated with her weight (which I'm sure we've all head), but she often looks fantastic even thought she isn't a negitive dress size.
4. Shakira
In the strictest, most hetorosexual way posible, I have to say this: Shakira's body is fierce. If I take my dream one step further, I would love to have a body like hers. However, i know that this vison for myself probably surpasses reality. The reason that she does make it on this list is because she rocks the pear shape and rocks it with pride. Her hips certainly don't like and she she makes the rest of us small breasted girls proud of what we don't necessarily have, so that maybe one day I too will be able to boast that luckily my breasts are small and humble (so you don't confuse them for mountains)
5. Jennifer Hudson and America Ferrara
I put these two together because, while I know that necessarily belong on a list like this, I don't particularly find a lot of inspiration from them. Probably because they are both chestily endowed while I am not. Still, they represent the curves, which is awesome for something a little less awesome....
5. Amy Whinhouse
eat something
4. Kiera Knightly
Ok, I respect that Kiera is open with her insecurities and I do sympathis with her as far as wanting some more up top goes, but seriously, you're Kiera freakin Knigtly, it can't all be that bad.
3. Nicole Richie
yeah, too easy
2. Liz Hurley,
Even if she cures breast cancer I don't think I could ever forget her comment about how she would kill herself if she was ever as fat as marilyn monroe. Pretty sure if I looked like marilyn monroe I would walk around naked 90% of the time
1. Jessica Simpson
Ok, she's only at the top because the other day I read a comment by her about how she was so offended that someone thought she weighed 145 pounds, as if this was the biggest insult that could be thrown her way. Then she went on about how at her height (5'4'') this was simply an unhealthy weight (it's not). That just really annoyed me.
1. Kate Winslet
This is so obvious I don't really even need to mention her. She's just stunning in that type of average-but-unattainable body. The fact that I love her as well doesn't hurt either. Along with this entry, comes an honourable mention: Emma Thomson, just because she reportedly told kate that if she (kate) ever gained weight, she (emma) would never effing talk to her (kate) again.
2. Kelly Clarkson.
Ok, confession: I absolutely love kelly clarkson. Seriously, behind these hazel eyes...fantastic. Also, the since u've been gone video is just sweet. This is, I do have to add, a pretty intense confession for me to make, because my fanstaistic taste in music is something that I do pride myself for: but even so, I do love Kelly's brand of pop rock feminism. Anyway, to the weight thing, her body is so adorable. Honestly, as a fellow pear shaped girl, kelly is the model that i one day hope to achieve. Of course all those morons who criticize her and call her large have no place in my heart. I think Kelly looks if she could only learn to dress her body type....
3. Lilly Allen
I know, kind of an unorthodox choice. True, she's garnished some negative headlines for her alcohol-related choices, but I'm not going to lie, I would gladly use up 8-10 flex points in order to hang with lilly for the evening, drinking wine and then trying on some of her fabulous sundresses since I"m sure she'd be more than happy to give me several of the ones which better suit my bust line. Plus, she's confessed to being frustrated with her weight (which I'm sure we've all head), but she often looks fantastic even thought she isn't a negitive dress size.
4. Shakira
In the strictest, most hetorosexual way posible, I have to say this: Shakira's body is fierce. If I take my dream one step further, I would love to have a body like hers. However, i know that this vison for myself probably surpasses reality. The reason that she does make it on this list is because she rocks the pear shape and rocks it with pride. Her hips certainly don't like and she she makes the rest of us small breasted girls proud of what we don't necessarily have, so that maybe one day I too will be able to boast that luckily my breasts are small and humble (so you don't confuse them for mountains)
5. Jennifer Hudson and America Ferrara
I put these two together because, while I know that necessarily belong on a list like this, I don't particularly find a lot of inspiration from them. Probably because they are both chestily endowed while I am not. Still, they represent the curves, which is awesome for something a little less awesome....
5. Amy Whinhouse
eat something
4. Kiera Knightly
Ok, I respect that Kiera is open with her insecurities and I do sympathis with her as far as wanting some more up top goes, but seriously, you're Kiera freakin Knigtly, it can't all be that bad.
3. Nicole Richie
yeah, too easy
2. Liz Hurley,
Even if she cures breast cancer I don't think I could ever forget her comment about how she would kill herself if she was ever as fat as marilyn monroe. Pretty sure if I looked like marilyn monroe I would walk around naked 90% of the time
1. Jessica Simpson
Ok, she's only at the top because the other day I read a comment by her about how she was so offended that someone thought she weighed 145 pounds, as if this was the biggest insult that could be thrown her way. Then she went on about how at her height (5'4'') this was simply an unhealthy weight (it's not). That just really annoyed me.
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